At Skin & Body Care by Morgana, we understand how important it is to present your best skin to the world, especially when you are preparing for a big occasion like your vacation or a wedding.
We are microdermaplaning professionals backed by a multitude of training and experience that make us the perfect fit for you.
Do you have vellus hair, blackheads, or acne scars that you’d like removed for a special event?
Connect with the city’s best-rated microdermaplaning experts to set up a risk-free consultation.
What are Microdermaplaning Facials Ideal for?
Peach fuzz, aging top layers of skin, acne, and blackheads can all be whisked out of your life during a simple and non-invasive microdermaplanining facial with us. This procedure is ideal for exfoliating the top layers away, revealing fresh, healthy, glowing skin.
You won’t believe how easy it will be to apply your makeup once we’re finished. Don’t hesitate to phone our team to discuss your skincare goals during a no-obligation consultation.
How Does Dermaplaning Work?
Our seasoned and fully certified technicians use sterile surgical blades to carefully and painlessly remove vellus hair, clogged pores, and much more. Dermaplaning treatments usually take between 20 and 30 minutes.
Although it may sound a little intimidating, it’s truly a relaxing procedure that does not hurt or cause discomfort.
Many clients say it is a great way to sneak in some relaxing time during a heavily scheduled week.
4 Benefits of Microdermaplaning
What are the benefits of choosing our microdermaplaning specialists to reduce fine lines and eliminate acne and peach fuzz? We compiled this shortlist on your behalf:
- Skin looks much smoother and brighter, and the process is non-invasive
- Our certified professionals guarantee the procedure is safe and effective
- There is no downtime or recovery time needed
- Deep exfoliation can be achieved on even the most sensitive skin
- The procedure is safe for pregnant women
- The procedure is painless and takes less time than your typical lunch break
Would you like the opportunity to put your best face forward? Explore cost-saving and reliable solutions by getting in touch with us today.
How Many Treatments Will You Need?
Are you curious to know how many treatments are needed to achieve the best results? We recommend as few as 6 weekly treatments to deliver the results you desire. Pop in on your lunch break or swing on your way home from work and spend a little “me time” with us.
How Often Should You Schedule a Session?
While we recommend weekly sessions to achieve the best results, you can schedule your sessions at your convenience. Our flexible scheduling options allow you to come in at a time that works best for you.
Contact the Local Microdermaplaning Treatment Professionals
At Skin & Body Care by Morgana, our commitment to delivering industry-leading microdermaplaning treatment is unrivaled. We take the time to understand your skin health goals fully, and then create a treatment plan that suits your individual preferences.
Contact our local microdermaplaning experts at (415) 261-5399 to discover cost-saving and non-invasive ways to banish blemishes once and for all.