San Francisco, Castro and Noe Valley Facial Spa, Brazilian Wax Services and Dermaplaning

Call Us: (415) 261-5399


8 Insider Secrets for a Painless Wax and Bump-Free Recovery:

Tip #1


  • Skin Care Tips for Acne
  • Acne is a disease that has an enormous psychological impact. The bacteria Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) lives on most people’s skin and is generally harmless. But when hair follicles become blocked with sebum and an overgrowth of skin cells, the P. acnes grows in the pore and causes spots, swellings, and inflammation
  • I started to specialize in Acne treatment when I used to work for a dermatologist and then for a med spa. Personally and professionally, It is a great feeling when people see their skin healing. Today, Most of my clients with moderate or severe ACNE VULGARIS are referred by doctors, have acne facials done every four to five weeks, and follow a daily routine.

About my clientele:

Acne Facial Treatment:

  • 63% of my clients who see me for acne facial treatment have moderate to severe acne
  • 21% have mild acne
  • 9% hormone, pregnancy, or stress-related
  • 7% others - eczema, flaky psoriasis, and permanent flush of rosacea
  • My clients are divided:
  • 56% Adult acne
  • 44% Teenagers

ACNE: What you can do to help yourself

Look after your skin

  • Wash your face gently using a mild cleanser, once in the morning and once in the evening, as well as after heavy exercise. Wash from under the jaw to the hairline, and rinse thoroughly.
  • Consider using a cleanser designed for people with acne. But avoid strong soaps or rough scrubs because these can make the problem worse. Don’t use astringents unless your skin is very oily, and then only on oily spots.
  • Men who have acne and shave should try both electric and safety razors to see which is more comfortable. Shave gently and only when necessary, to reduce the risk of nicking skin lesions.
  • Try not to pick or squeeze your spots as this usually aggravates them and may cause scarring.
  • Wash your hair regularly – every day if it is oily.
  • If you wear makeup, use oil-free, water-based make-up and choose products that are labeled as being ‘non-comedogenic’ (this means they should not cause blackheads or whiteheads) or non-acnegenic (should not cause acne). Remove your makeup at night with mild soap or a gentle cleanser and water.
  • Be careful in the sun. Many of the acne treatments can make you more prone to sunburn. Limit the time you spend in the sun and use an effective sunblock.

Get effective treatment

  • It is important to take action to control acne as soon as it appears. This helps to avoid permanent scarring and reduces its impact on you.
  • If your acne is mild, it is worth trying over-the-counter preparations in the first instance. Ask a pharmacist or an esthetician if you want advice on products.
  • If your acne is moderate or severe – or if you develop nodules or cysts – see your doctor.
  • Use your acne treatment correctly
  • Make sure that you use your acne correctly so you get maximum benefit. Follow the instructions on the pack.
  • Be patient and keep using your acne treatment regularly, as some treatments take several weeks before you see much improvement.
  • Some topical treatments may dry or irritate the skin when you start using them. Using an oil-free moisturizer should help, but some people have to cut down on the frequency and/or duration with which they apply treatments.

Keep healthy

  • Eat a healthy diet. There is little evidence that any foods cause acne but it may be sensible for you to avoid foods that you think make your acne worse.
  • Take regular exercise. Some people with acne feel awkward about using communal changing rooms, or wearing a swimming costume because of their spots. But exercise will help to keep you healthy.
  • www.

Tip #2


Microdermabrasion, Dermaplaning, Hydradermabrasion and Microneedling

  • Microdermabrasion works on all skin types and colors. It is a painless, noninvasive, skin-rejuvenation procedure using a combination of a fine abrasive tip and vacuum suction applied to the skin. It makes subtle changes, causing no skin color change or scarring. it is great to get rid of dull or sallow skin, mild acne, build-up makeup, acne discoloration, fine lines, pick marks, and very superficial acne scars.
  • Dermaplaning is a non-invasive exfoliation method that uses a blade to gently scrape and remove the outer layer of the skin. It removes layers of dull and dead skin cells, and unwanted facial hair, leaving the skin brighter and smoother.
  • HydraDermabrasion: This powerhouse treatment will aid in rehydration and brightening, creating healthier and younger-looking skin. It combines Spa Therapy with advanced Medical Technology to assist in the cellular renewal of the skin.
  • Microneedling is often performed using a tool like Dermapen to deposit power serums into the skin creating controlled micro-injuries to the skin using a disposable needle cartridge. This process stimulates the skin's fibroblasts, promoting the natural production of collagen and elastin without significant discomfort or downtime.

Tip #3

How to Look Beautiful

Skincare can get complex

  • Don’t know how long to wait between layering on your serum and day cream? Or how often to exfoliate or why our skin needs a weekly face mask?

Cleanse and Massage

  • With cleansing, the important message is to massage the product into your skin. Use circular movements to work the product into the pores and make sure you work all the way out to your hairline, not forgetting your neck.

Cleanse Congested Skin

  • If your skin is quite congested, facialist Sarah Chapman recommends using more focused massage to help clear the skin, ‘Use your ring fingers to massage over problem blackhead areas such as the nose and chin, this will help drain toxins, enliven and brighten the skin and work your product deeper into pores to combat congestion.’

Double Cleanse

  • For a thorough cleanse - maybe you’ve been wearing a lot of make-up or your skin’s just looking a bit lackluster - try double cleansing. "The first cleanse will remove make-up, while the second cleanse rids the skin of all the daily impurities’ explains Fiona Brackenbury, Head of Education for Decléor".
  • If you plan to exfoliate or use a mask then double cleansing before will ensure there are no impurities on your skin that will affect the performance of your targeted treatment product.

Eye Make-up Remover

  • Specific eye make-up removers are often more gentle than the cleansers you would use on the rest of your face; your eye area is extremely delicate and it needs to be treated with the utmost care.
  • Apply eye makeup remover to two cotton pads (one for each eye) and sweep down the lashes and out over the eyelids from the inner corner of the eyes towards the temples. Use gentle sweeping movements - try not to rub or pull the skin. Damage to the eye area can cause premature aging.

When you need a Toner

  • If you are cleansing thoroughly a toner isn’t essential; part of the reason you would include a toner into your regime is to ensure every last trace of make-up and dirt is removed. However, if you have sensitive skin a toner can be used to restore the pH balance of your complexion. Soaps cleansers and tap water can sometimes disturb your natural pH balance. This will result in your skin becoming more oily than usual as your skin tries to restore itself to its natural balance.
  • Skin Toners are also handy for tightening pores after cleansing, "this will prevent any dirt from getting back in. They can have other properties such as clarifying and brightening and are usually recommended for dry or dull skin types,’ says Debbie Finnegan M.A.C Senior Artist

What Type of Exfoliator

  • Dry skin will benefit from a grainy exfoliator to slough away dead skin cells. However the consensus from the experts is that exfoliators made up of fruit enzymes are best for all skin types, and especially congested or sensitive complexions as they are more gentle.

Less is more

  • A less is more approach is advised for exfoliating, ‘when using a new exfoliator start slowly - one night a week, increasing to two nights a week or three nights at the most - do not use exfoliators every day,’ advises Sylvie Chantecaille.

The Daily Sloughi

  • You do feel like your skin could do with a gentle, daily exfoliation then use a muslin cloth. These are brilliant to give the skin a gentle exfoliation every day. If you rinse the muslin cloth first in hand-hot water, it leaves the skin feeling clean and is also very relaxing.

Face Masks

  • Face masks are typically more concentrated and more active than your day cream, and are designed to focus intensively on one area of concern. The best way to get the most from your mask is to use it after exfoliation when you have revealed brand-new skin cells. You can apply a face mask for any skin concern be it hydration, brightening, pigmentation, or oiliness.

Before your Serum

  • The best way to layer your serum, eye cream, and moisturizer, is to be clever with your routine to give your skin the best opportunity to absorb the active ingredients. When you apply your serum don’t apply your moisturizer straight away afterwards. Apply your eye or neck cream next that way you give your skin time to absorb the serum before you apply your day cream.


  • A serum is usually a concentrated cocktail of skincare activities in a lightweight formula that sinks into your skin fast and targets your complexion’s specific needs. When it comes to applying serum you need to go gently, ‘serums absorb very quickly so apply lightly and rapidly and then complete by pressing onto your skin. This will prevent excess movement on the skin when there is little moisture to work with. Plus this pressing motion will increase blood supply to the upper levels of the skin. You can even carry out rapid but light tapping movements gently over the face to further aid circulation.

Why a Separate Cream?

  • Eye creams are really important because the skin is so much thinner than the rest of your face you need a different cream. While it’s an extra expense you only need a tiny amount - the size of a grain of rice, for both eyes - so it should last!

Puffy eyes

  • If you do apply too much eye cream, you can end up with puffiness. Counteract this by lightly pressing a cold flannel over your eyelids to instantly reduce the puffiness.

Sunscreen: A Must!

  • One of the causes of wrinkles is sun damage, so it's important to use a sunscreen of at least SPF 15, for the vast majority of people SPF 15 is fine, but people who have very fair skin, a family history of skin cancer or conditions like lupus that increase sensitivity to sunlight should consider SPF 50 or higher SPF.
  • The SPF factor rates how effective the sunscreen is in preventing sunburn caused by UVB rays. If you'd normally burn in 10 minutes, SPF 15 multiplies that by a factor of 15, meaning you could go 150 minutes before burning.
  • Don't use moisturizers with sunscreen at night, the ingredients are not meant to be used 24/7 and can aggravate skin. Keep in mind that from your early years, winter or cloudy days sunscreen is a must!

With Love,

Morgana Queiroz

Schedule a free, no-obligation estimate now!
